About agriExcellence
- agriExcellence ist eine zukunftsorientierte, private Strategie-, Beratungs- und Kommunikations-Gesellschaft auf den Gebieten: Life Sciences, Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittelproduktion und Nachhaltigkeit.
- agriExcellence arbeitet authentisch, ziel- und aufgabenorientiert.
- agriExcellence arbeitet kontinuierlich und systematisch an „Vision 2025/2050/2075“ und „Faktor: Fn ".
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EN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Vision Paper: A Critical Overview on Reviews about Micro- and Nanoplastics, 2025/2050: The Invisible and Neglected Epidemic Pollution That Threatens Food Security and Safety, the Environment, and Human Health published in: Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security under Climate Change, R.K. Behl, P.K. Sharma, R.K. Arya, S.A. Bagci and E. Morzog (eds.), Agrobios (International), Jodpur, India, 2024, pp 1-50.
Plastics are very useful and are used by everyone on the planet.
In addition to the societal benefits that plastics have provided for more than 70 years, such as medical plastics that protect public health and save lives; lightweight plastics that reduce gas emissions and lower transportation costs; plastics in the automotive industry that increase safety; plastics in agriculture that increase yield and improve food safety and quality; plastic containers that enable food and water storage and make life easier, etc.., it is time to protect the marine, terrestrial and atmospheric environment, soil, soil organisms, water, crops, animals and people. Current and future generations of humanity are highly exposed to plastics, microplastics and nanoplastics through food consumption. Plastic, microplastic and nanoplastic pollution is inextricably linked to food safety, human health, and climate change. They pose an invisible, insidious, underestimated, and neglected threat to people and the environment. They do not stop at borders but are hidden and unknown biohazards. They are emerging "black swans".
Micro/nanoplastic pollution undermines all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Micro- and Nanoplastics 2025/2050: The Invisible and Neglected Epidemic Pollution, That Threatens Food Security and Safety, the Environment and Human Health, presented during The International Conference Sustainable Solutions, Shared Future Development Research for the 21
st Century, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn, Germany, September 30 – October 02, 2024.
Bring epidemic plastic, micro- and nanoplastic pollution under control as soon as possible. Reduce! Reduce! Reduce!
33 Re’s:
React! –
in Time! (Kern, M., 3/2024).
Most of the 17 SDG‘s Are not on Track to Be Achieved by 2030! SD Goal 2: Zero Hunger by 2030 presented during the 15th IFSDAA International Conference on: Challenges, Perspectives and Policies in the Area of Sustainable Development, Food Security, Environmental Health and Climate Change (2025/2050) Mahatma-Gandhi-Haus, Göttingen, Germany, October 04 – 06, 2024.
Just one example – SD Goal 2: Zero Hunger by 2030
Global Hunger, Malnutrition: Predictions and Reality, 1974-1992-2002-2015-2020-2030-2060 (2024): Conclusions made by the author:
- 2007: “Many explain why the world will/could not reach the millennium target of halving hunger by 2015 as having to do with higher food prices” (Kern, M., 2/2007).
- 2017: “Many explain why the world will/could not reach Zero Hunger by 2030 as having to do with the increase of conflicts and climate change issues” (Kern, M., 2/2017).
- 2020: “Many explain why the world will/could not reach Zero Hunger by 2030 as having to do with the corona pandemic” (Kern, M., 5/2020).
- 2021: “Many explain why it is impossible to eliminate hunger in years to come as having to do with the fact politicians do not have the courage to eliminate hunger” (Kern, M., 10/2021).
- 2022: Some explain attaining the SDG goals will be difficult but will be impossible without efficiently and humanely managing coexistence with our closest and globally ubiquitous domesticated species – dogs (ICAM, International Companion Animal Management Coalition, 2/2022).
- 2022: “Due to the fact that Western democracies are not prepared to militarily counterattack Putin’s misanthropic aggression in the Ukraine and in Europe, hunger and misery are set increase throughout the world! – Zero Hunger by 2030 will not be reaved by 2030” (Kern, M., 2/2022).
- 2024: “Many explain that because of the wars, conflicts and political tensions (Ukraine, Gaza, the Sahel, the Sudan, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Yemen, Myanmar, Haiti, Iran, Venezuela, South China Sea, China/Taiwan, Russia/NATO), economic shocks and human-induced climate change Zero Hunger will not be reached by 2030” (Kern, M., 5/2024).
- 2030: "Many will simply say that it was not possible to realize Plan Zero Hunger 2030 for many reasons" (Kern, M., 7/2024).
- 2060: For various reasons (e.g., implosion of world population), Zero-Hunger will become a realty by 2060, at the earliest.
Nevertheless, we must not give up and must continue to fight together for a better future! more...