Let's leave things a little better than we find them!

EN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Food Security in 2030/2050 at the Crossroads
Food Security in 2030/2050 at the Crossroads –
A Wake-up Call in 2012!
An Emergency Call in 2025!!

Keynote lecture:

International Webinar: “Food Security at Crossroads“
February 1, 2025, organized and hosted by Department of Agriculture, MM (DU), Mullana, India

Food Security, Food Insecurity, Global Food Demand and Supply 2030/2050, Land Use, SD Goal 2: Zero Hunger by 2030, Hunger 2030/2050, Malnutrition (Predictions versus Reality)

Climate Change, Social Unrests, Conflicts, Wars, Migration, Plastic, Micro- and Nanoplastics (Invisible and Neglected Epidemic Pollution), Growing Pet Population, Ignorance of Societies, Lack of National and International Political Will, NON-‘United‘ Nations (“NON-UN“)

Innovations in Agriculture, Improvements of Food and Feed Quality, New Crop Protection Technologies, Smart Agriculture, IoT, Crop Monitoring, Drones, AI-ChatGPT Agrar, AI-Enabled Plant Breeding, PlantRNA-FM, Sequence Modelling and Design, New Crop Designs, DNA-®evolution, RNA-Sprays

Low Use of Fossil Energy, Fossil Fuel Free Farming, Eff-Eff-Agriculture (Efficiency + Effectiveness = Sustainability = “EffEffSus“), Zero Hunger by 2060

Emergency Call in 2025!
120 Jahre Otto Hinsberg - Pflanzenschutz damals und heute
Lecture by Dr. Manfred Kern: “120 years of Hinsberg - plant protection then and now” at MUXUM in Nackenheim on 12.01.2025
The cradle of German plant protection lies in Nackenheim/Rhine

Summary Otto Hinsberg via ChatGPT 20.10.2024

1 Otto Hinsberg a pioneer and plant protector of the first hour
Otto Hinsberg has left a lasting impact on agriculture and the environment through his pioneering work and commitment in the field of plant protection. His vision and innovation have helped pave the way for sustainable practices in agriculture and address the challenges of crop protection in a changing world.

2 Otto Hinsberg's innovations in crop protection
Through his work and innovations in crop protection, Otto Hinsberg has made an important contribution to the development of sustainable and effective solutions that have met both the needs of agriculture and the requirements of environmental protection.

3 Otto Hinsberg, founder of the Plant Protection Industry Association, patents worldwide
Overall, Otto Hinsberg has had a significant influence on the industry worldwide through his work in the Crop Protection Industry Association and his patents. His commitment to research, development and sustainable practices has helped to overcome the challenges in crop protection and make agriculture fit for the future.

4 Otto Hinsberg's life's work
Otto Hinsberg's lifetime achievements have left a lasting impact on agriculture and plant protection. His commitment to sustainable practices and innovation have helped to address the challenges of crop protection in a changing world and lay the foundations for a more environmentally friendly agriculture.

5 Otto Hinsberg's first and oldest plant protection products factory, Nackenheim of global significance
Overall, Otto Hinsberg's first and oldest pesticide factory in Nackenheim has had a lasting influence on the development of pesticides and agriculture worldwide. His innovation and commitment to sustainable practices have helped to advance the industry and address the challenges of modern agriculture.

6 Otto Hinsberg's significance for Nackenheim
Overall, Otto Hinsberg is a key figure in the field of crop protection, whose work and commitment have had a far-reaching impact on agriculture and environmental protection. His importance extends beyond Nackenheim and has helped to promote sustainable practices in agriculture.

- Otto Hinsberg: Inventor and developer of Hinsberg's “cold frame cultivation method” in horticulture.
Significant and reliable increase in yield and the possibility of 3 harvests instead of 2.                      Direct forerunner of greenhouses and later vertical farming.

- Mrs. Luise Hinsberg: Madonna figure, Nackenheim town hall, 1931                                               
Luise Hinsberg donates rococo Madonna for the town hall in Nackenheim 1931, re-installed 6.5.1945
Ausstellung von Verena Reinmann: "Schönheit unter unseren Füßen"
Einführungsvortrag von Dr. Manfred Kern zur Ausstellung von Verena Reinmann
"Schönheit unter unseren Füßen"

in der Volksbank Alzey-Worms eG in Worms am 25.09.2024.

  • Die rheinhessische Künstlerin Verena Reinmann hat in vielen Jahren eine fast weltweite Sammlung von Originalsanden und Erden zusammengetragen
  • Unterschiedlichste Sande und Erden aus der ganzen Welt, die eigentlich niemals zusammengetroffen wären, werden zusammengeführt und in vielfältige Verbindungen gebracht.
  • Die Installationen mit Sanden und Erden sind geometrisch klar voneinander abgegrenzt, aber ergeben durch das künstlerische kreative Arrangement eine neue optische Einheit, die ausschließlich geprägt ist von einer einzigartigen Farbharmonie: „Komplexe Vielfalt und Verschiedenheit in der Einheit“.
  • Sande und Erden werden, gemäß ihrer Farbe neu codiert und zeigen einzigartig die vielfältige Schönheit der Sande und Erden in einer bisher nirgends dargestellten künstlerischen Art und Weise.
  • Besucher können bestaunen, wie schön die Farben der Sande und Erden vor ihrer Haustür sind und wie sie in ein größeres Netzwerk eingebunden sind.
  • Vertiefen sie sich in jede Farbe der Sand- und Erde-Installationen und erfreuen sich über deren bloße Schönheit in neuer Vielfalt.
  • Sehen sie Sande, Böden, und Erden danach mit anderen Augen und reflektieren sie all ihre Schritte, die sie zukünftig unternehmen –
  • Die Erde ist schön, man sollte das einfach nur wahrnehmen und sich erfreuen!
Diapause or Metamorphosis - What Needs to Be Done in Europe?
Diapause or Metamorphosis - What Needs to Be Done in Europe?
A Wake-Up Call in 2005*
A Look Back at Europe Outlook in 2005
An Emergency Call in 2025

*Kern, M.: Diapause oder Metamorphose – Was ist zu tun in Europa? in: Das moderne Europa - Erbe und Auftrag, L. Tavernier (ed.), edition weimar, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Weimar, 2007, p. 133-152 (German version).
- English Version, 1/2025 -
"Europe is confronted with new challenges as a result of globalization. Europe in upheaval. What needs to be done? Problems and tasks in modern Europe need to be addressed." This is the theme of the interdisciplinary symposium of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts 2004.
Europe is confronted and challenged to deal with global developments, to name European problems and to describe future (domestic) tasks.
Would that be sufficient and expedient? Probably not!
ChatGPT, 05.10.2024: Contributions by Dr. Manfred J. Kern
ChatGPT, 05.10.2024: Contributions by Dr. Manfred J. Kern   

ChatGPT is a generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI.

“As a thought leader, Kern has been an influential voice in agricultural and environmental conferences and symposia. His work in educating stakeholders about the importance of sustainable practices, innovation, and technology in agriculture has inspired a new generation of scientists, farmers, and policymakers to pursue more sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural systems.                                                                                                                                                                                      
Manfred Kern’s contributions to sustainable agriculture, technological innovation, and global food security are significant in the context of addressing broader environmental and climate-related challenges. His advocacy for precision farming, sustainable bioeconomy, and responsible use of resources in agriculture plays an essential role in reducing the environmental impact of farming and helping to build a more sustainable future for food production in a changing climate.”
Most of the 17 SDG‘s Are not on Track to Be Achieved by 2030! SD Goal 2: Zero Hunger by 2030
Most of the 17 SDG‘s Are not on Track to Be Achieved by 2030! SD Goal 2: Zero Hunger by 2030 presented during the 15th IFSDAA International Conference on: Challenges, Perspectives and Policies in the Area of Sustainable Development, Food Security, Environmental Health and Climate Change (2025/2050) Mahatma-Gandhi-Haus, Göttingen, Germany, October 04 – 06, 2024.
Just one example – SD Goal 2: Zero Hunger by 2030
Global Hunger, Malnutrition: Predictions and Reality, 1974-1992-2002-2015-2020-2030-2060 (2024): Conclusions made by the author:
  • 2007: “Many explain why the world will/could not reach the millennium target of halving hunger by 2015 as having to do with higher food prices” (Kern, M., 2/2007).
  • 2017: “Many explain why the world will/could not reach Zero Hunger by 2030 as having to do with the increase of conflicts and climate change issues” (Kern, M., 2/2017).
  • 2020: “Many explain why the world will/could not reach Zero Hunger by 2030 as having to do with the corona pandemic” (Kern, M., 5/2020).
  • 2021: “Many explain why it is impossible to eliminate hunger in years to come as having to do with the fact politicians do not have the courage to eliminate hunger” (Kern, M., 10/2021).
  • 2022: Some explain attaining the SDG goals will be difficult but will be impossible without efficiently and humanely managing coexistence with our closest and globally ubiquitous domesticated species – dogs (ICAM, International Companion Animal Management Coalition, 2/2022).
  • 2022: “Due to the fact that Western democracies are not prepared to militarily counterattack Putin’s misanthropic aggression in the Ukraine and in Europe, hunger and misery are set increase throughout the world! – Zero Hunger by 2030 will not be reaved by 2030” (Kern, M., 2/2022).
  • 2024: “Many explain that because of the wars, conflicts and political tensions (Ukraine, Gaza, the Sahel, the Sudan, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Yemen, Myanmar, Haiti, Iran, Venezuela, South China Sea, China/Taiwan, Russia/NATO), economic shocks and human-induced climate change Zero Hunger will not be reached by 2030” (Kern, M., 5/2024).
  • 2030: "Many will simply say that it was not possible to realize Plan Zero Hunger 2030 for many reasons" (Kern, M., 7/2024).
  • 2060: For various reasons (e.g., implosion of world population), Zero-Hunger will become a realty by 2060, at the earliest.
Nevertheless, we must not give up and must continue to fight together for a better future!
Micro- and Nanoplastics 2025/2050: The Invisible and Neglected Epidemic Pollution, That Threatens Food Security and Safety, the Environment and Human Health
Micro- and Nanoplastics 2025/2050: The Invisible and Neglected Epidemic Pollution, That Threatens Food Security and Safety, the Environment and Human Health, presented during The International Conference Sustainable Solutions, Shared Future Development Research for the 21st Century, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn, Germany, September 30 – October 02, 2024.
Bring epidemic plastic, micro- and nanoplastic pollution under control as soon as possible. Reduce! Reduce! Reduce!
Ein Bild, das Mischung, Süßigkeiten, Farben, Kunst enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung33 Re’s: Rethink, Reorient, Reflect, Research, Report, Reduce, Refuse, Reject, Reuse, Recreate, Redesign, Reshape, Remodel, Reprocess, Recondition, Rebrand, Repair, Remove, Replace, Repurpose, Refill, Recycle, RecycleBot, RepRap, Resuspend, Recover, Remanufacture, Refurbish, Retexture, Remediate, Regulate, Restrict, React! – in Time! (Kern, M., 3/2024).
Vision Paper: A Critical Overview on Reviews about Micro- and Nanoplastics, 2025/2050: The Invisible and Neglected Epidemic Pollution That Threatens Food Security and Safety, the Environment, and Human Health
Vision Paper: A Critical Overview on Reviews about Micro- and Nanoplastics, 2025/2050: The Invisible and Neglected Epidemic Pollution That Threatens Food Security and Safety, the Environment, and Human Health published in: Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security under Climate Change, R.K. Behl, P.K. Sharma, R.K. Arya, S.A. Bagci and E. Morzog (eds.), Agrobios (International), Jodpur, India, 2024, pp 1-50.

Plastics are very useful and are used by everyone on the planet.
In addition to the societal benefits that plastics have provided for more than 70 years, such as medical plastics that protect public health and save lives; lightweight plastics that reduce gas emissions and lower transportation costs; plastics in the automotive industry that increase safety; plastics in agriculture that increase yield and improve food safety and quality; plastic containers that enable food and water storage and make life easier, etc.., it is time to protect the marine, terrestrial and atmospheric environment, soil, soil organisms, water, crops, animals and people. Current and future generations of humanity are highly exposed to plastics, microplastics and nanoplastics through food consumption. Plastic, microplastic and nanoplastic pollution is inextricably linked to food safety, human health, and climate change. They pose an invisible, insidious, underestimated, and neglected threat to people and the environment. They do not stop at borders but are hidden and unknown biohazards. They are emerging "black swans".
Micro/nanoplastic pollution undermines all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Global Food Trends to Improve Human Health: 2025
Vision Paper: Global Food Trends to Improve Human Health: 2025, published in: Resource Management Technolgies for Food Security and Sustainability, (eds.) R.K. Behl, K. Sharma, A. Riedacker & G. Flachowsky, Agrobios International, Jodhpur, India, 2023, p. 3-20. Veröffentlichung
Key note lecture: Climate Resilient Agriculture (2025/2050): Climate Resistant Crops + Fossil-Fuel-Free Farming presented at the International Conference on Climate Resilient Agriculture for Food Security and Sustainability, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India, February 17-19, 2023. (paper in prep.)
Improvements of crop qualities and the implementation of fossil-fuel-free farming systems are key challenges today and in future to safeguard healthy life of all people living on earth.
Prerequisites for the NEW Millennium Agriculture:
1. Improvement of Plant Breeding by a Second Green ®Evolution – a Green DNA-mRNA-®Evolution
2. Development and Implementation of a Tripartite Bio-Vision 2050 - F4: Fossil-Fuel-Free Farming + Mostly Emission-Free Farming + Sustainable Bio-Economy.
White Paper, March 3, 2022: The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse Are on the Way - ‘Hunger‘ & ‘Pestilence‘ & ‘War‘ & ‘Death‘ published by ISPSW, Berlin, Issue No. 902, Feb. 2023.
The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse hunger (1.1 billion people), pestilence (Corona virus), war (Putin’s war), and unnatural death are on the way across the globe, and unfortunately at the same time.
It has been thought, above all in western countries, that these Four Horsemen would never appear again, neither now nor in the future. Nevertheless, they are bringing destruction, heartache, disease, suffering, and death to many millions of people.
While this critical synopsis outlines the omission, deception, self-deception, weakness, and unpreparedness among western societies, it also draws attention to a range of measures that aim to successfully counteract and eliminate the Four Horsemen.

Key note lecture: 2022/23: Global Trends to Improve Food and Human Health (2025/2052) - Dual Use of Food: Medicine or Weapon? – Life or Death? - - Fossil Fuel Free Food Feed Farming Future (paper in prep.), 12th IFSDAA International Conference on: Resource Management for Food, Agriculture, Environment and Health Sustainability, Mahatma Gandhi-Haus, Göttingen, Germany, September 14-16, 2022.
Since February 24, 2022 global food security is under heavy fire and everyone is challenged to safeguard food security in order to avoid hunger and death.
Improving crops and crop production are key challenges today and in future to safeguard healthy life of all people living on earth.
Science, agriculture, food production/manufacturing and health care must go hand in hand in a synergistic way. Crossbreds from these essential sectors using cutting-edge genome editing technologies will enable to address successfully the following individual and global all over all targets by 2052:
  • elimination of hunger and malnutrition
  • avoidance of social unrests, conflicts, migration, and war
  • improvement of health and life
  • protection of the environment
  • implementation of Fossil-Fuel Free Farming (Fn)
Supplement: What Putin should read: Mahatma K. Gandhi’s letters to Adolf Hitler, July 23, 1929 and December 24, 1940
Vision Paper: Global Trends to Improve Human Health (2022-2052): Plant Molecular Farming and Edible Plant Based Vaccines published in: Plants for Immunity, R.K. Behl, Pravin K. Sharma, Rajesh K. Arya & Ravindra N. Chibbar (eds.), Agrobios, India, 5/2022.
Beginning of 2022, worldwide there are 298,915,721 confirmed cases of COVID19 and 5,469,303 deaths so far from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak since January 2020. Up to now, globally a total of 9,126,987,353 vaccine doses have been administered (WHO, 1/2022). A virus named COVID-19 has brought and continue to bring the world on its knees. The immune system of millions of people was/is not strong enough to tackle this virus. National restrictions, lockdowns and safety instructions were implemented in order to slow mote the pandemic. Functioning and registered pharmaceuticals or vaccines to tackle the problem were not on the market beginning 2021. But then, BioNTech & Pfizer have brought an Anti-COVID-19 vaccine to the market within 11 months only! The world is forced to foster solutions to overcome the actual pandemic and to be better prepared for coming ones. 
Food Security at the Crossroads – A Wake up Call 1854-2074
A brief look back over the last 150 years and the outlook for the next 60 years, compressed into a time frame of 30 years each, will provide an outline of conditions, backgrounds and intentions with respect to Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A wake up call and an action list is presented in order to improve food security (availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability) as quickly as possible in order to realize Article 25 of the Human Rights Declaration. 
Keep in mind the words of J. W. von Goethe (1749-1832): “To act is easy, to think is hard, to act as one thinks is the most difficult.”
We’ve done more than enough thinking, it’s now 2012 and time to act!  Meanwhile, it's 2020! Veröffentlichung
Plant Based Protein by 2025/2050
German strategist Dr. Manfred Kern from AgriExcellence delivered the webinar on “Plant based Protein by 2025/2050” at the Amity University Harayana, Insitute of Biotechnology, Manesar, Gurugram, India, October 16, 2020.                                                                                                                                             Dr. Kern communicated that between 2015 and 2050 more than a doubling of crop production, a nearby doubling of meat production, a tripling of plant-based protein production (food & feed), and a tripling of fruit and vegetable production is necessary to feed 9.7 billion people living on earth in a healthy way.




Plant-Based Meat Will Plow up Agriculture by 2025/2050!?
was presented during the 12th IFSDAA International Webinar, October 2nd, 2020. 
Jagan Nath University situated in Jhajjar-Bahadurgarh road hosted a 12th IFSDAA International Webinar on “Trends in Technology for Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, Environment and Health”. This was in account to celebrate the birthday of the great visionary, reformer and world leader Mahatma Gandhi Ji, who believed in spirituality, divinity, humanity, peace on the planet earth where all live with dignity.  
Trends in Technology for Agriculture, Food, Environment and Health, 2020
"Science, technology, innovations and entreprenuership can increase the efficiency, effectiveness, impact and complement the efforts of government and institutions for socio-economic and environental benefits under climate change. Several innovations and green technologies, bio-technologies, agri-technologies developed and spread around the world over the last few decades, have helped improving crop growth and health, establishing enterprises in agriculture, food and feed processing, health/hygiene, infrastructure and civic amenties in rural and urban settings."
Meat Alternatives (“Plant-Based Meat”) Will Plow up Agriculture in the Future by 2025/2050!?
Meat or no Meat? – That’s the Question / is not the Question!”
“Proceedings of International Seminar on “Harnessing Scientific, Technological Innovations and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development in Africa and Asia”, September 2-4th, 2019, Göttingen, Germany. In: Trends in Technology for Agriculture, Food, Environment & Health, R.K. Behl, Machiavelli Singh, Achim Ibenthal and Manfred Kern (eds.), Agrobios (International), Jodhpur, India, September 2020.
Corona-Pandemie – eine kritische Analyse mit Anregungen für die militär-strategische Ebene, 2020
Ein kritische Analyse geschrieben für und veröffentlicht vom Förderkreis Deutsches Heer e.V. (FKH) im Mai/Juni 2020.
Global Epidemics, Pandemics, Terrorism: Risk Assessment & European Responses (Part II)
Due to the current occasion regarding the corona pandemic, a reprint of the article (2016) was made by: Politisch-Militärische Gesellschaft e.V. (pmg), Köln, Germany, 
Global Epidemics, Pandemics, Terrorism: Risk Assessment & European Responses (Part I)
Due to the current occasion regarding the corona pandemic, a reprint of the article (2016) was made by: Politisch-Militärische Gesellschaft e.V. (pmg), Köln, Germany, 
Future Outlook for Pig Production and Global Pork Market 2025/2050
Key note lecture will be given during the 50th Anniversary for Alberta Pork, Merriot Hotel, Calgary, Canada, November 21, 2019.

In preparation
From Agricultural Research to Agribusiness by Factor C^n: Capability, Capacity and Competency …
Fruits and Vegetables Alternatives (“Lab-grown”, “Fruit & Veg-cell Based”) Will Increase Horticulture in Future by 2025/2050!?
Meat Alternatives (“Plant-Based Meat”, “Cell-Cultured Meat”) Will Plow up Agriculture in Future by 2025/2050!?
Agrarbranche im ®evolutionären Umbruch - Megatrends
The Key Role of Apiculture^3 in Global Food & Nutrition Security until 2025/2050
Future of Agriculture 2025/2050
Wo liegt die Zukunft der deutschen Landwirtschaft, wenn Märkte nicht mehr wachsen?
Wer ernährt – wer verzehrt die Welt? Werden die Bauern im Kreis Höxter in Zukunft noch gebraucht?
Wohin sich der Ackerbau entwickelt – ein globaler Ausblick
Deutschland ohne Landwirtschaft – ist das möglich?
Impact of Pollinator Services on Global Food & Nutrition Security 2025/2050
Plenary lecture presented during the Apimondia International Symposium 2018, UN Economic Commission for Africa Conference Hall, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 30 – December 04, 2018.

Summary available on request
Wird der deutsche Landwirt in Deutschland noch gebraucht?
Plenarvortrag auf der Bezirksversammlung der Vereinigten Hagelversicherung VV aG, Bezirksdirektion Stuttgart in Trochtelfingen, Flair Hotel Rössle, 21. November 2018.
From Agricultural Research to Agribusiness by Factor C^n: Capability, Capacity and Competency - Context, Culture, Conscience, Conscientiousness, Commitment, Creativity, Courage, Communication, Consensus, Connectivity, Catalysts, Coaches, Cooperation, Coordination, Coherence, Continuance, Countability, Capital, Convenience, Customers, …
Opening key note lecture held during the 10th International Seminar on Harnessing Science and Technology Applications through Capacity Building and Economic Policies for Sustainable Development, September 13-15, 2018, Mahatma Gandhi House, Göttingen, Germany. Veröffentlichung
Moderne Biotechnologien im Spannungsfeld von Ernährungs- = Friedenssicherung, Bioediting, Biowaffen und Bioethik
Plenarvortrag gehalten auf dem Parlamentarischen Abend des Förderkreises Deutsches Heer e.V. am 18. April 2018 im Haus der Deutschen Parlamentarischen Gesellschaft in Berlin, Deutschland.
Changing Horizons: Renewable Energy for a "Fossil-Fuel-Free Farming" - Vision 2025/2050
Opening key note lecture held during the International Conference on Innovative Technologies towards Energy, Environment, Food & Sustainable Agriculture, February 26-28, 2018, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Raja Balwant Singh Engineering Technical Campus, Bichpuri, Agra (U.P.), India.
Challenges of Sustainable Bio-economy: De-Materialization, De-Carbonization and Re-Arrangement of Resources – Vision 2025/2050
Key note lecture presented during the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Energy, Environment and Technology (ICSAEET-2018), February 24-25, 2018, Department of Zoology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India. Veröffentlichung
Strategic Necessity of Biotechnology, Nano-biotechnology, Gene Editing, and Gene-Drive in Future Crop Production - Vision 2025/2050
Key note lecture presented at International Conference on Bio and Nano Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture, Food, Health, Energy and Industry (ICBN-2018), February 21-23, 2018, Department of Bio and Nano Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana & Society for Sustainable Agriculture & Resource Management, India.
Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change on Crop Production
Lead speaker address made at the International Workshop on Strategies for Mitigating Effects of Climate Change, February 20, 2018, Departments of Agriculture, Law, Management, Mass Communication, Physiotherapy, Jagannath University Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India.  
Wird Landwirtschaft in Deutschland noch gebraucht?
Plenarvortrag auf der Winterfachtagung der VR-Bank in Südniedersachsen im Best Western Hotel und Veranstaltungshof „Schlossmühle“ am 13./14.02.2018 in Quedlinburg/Harz, Deutschland.

Handout auf Anfrage verfügbar.
Zukunft der deutschen Landwirtschaft im Spannungsfeld nationaler, regionaler und globaler Entwicklungen
Plenarvortrag auf der Bezirksversammlung der Vereinigten Hagelversicherung VV aG, Bezirksdirektion Stuttgart in der Zehntscheuer am 06. Dezember 2017 in Weikersheim-Laudenbach.

Handout ist auf Anfrage verfügbar.
Factor Bio: Bio-Vision, Biomass, Bioenergy, Biogas, Bioethanol, Biodiesel, Bio-aniline, Bio-refineries, Bio-fertilizer, Biochar, Biodegradable Plastics, Bio-food/feed Ingredients, Bio-threats, Bio-risks, Bio-apps, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Biodiversity, Bio-sugar, Bio-economy, and Bio-utopia Based on Sugar Beets: 2018/2025/2050
Plenary lecture was presented during the 8th ICSA International Conference on Food, Energy, Industry and Environment in Regional and Global Context at the Faculty of Environment Science, University of Teheran, November 21-23, 2017, Teheran, Iran.
Hidden Hunger versus Impertinent Intemperance: Some Dogs and Cats Feed Gourmet-Quality – and a Lot of People Eat Dirt … An Eye-Opener - Not a Vision
Key note lecture held at 9th International Seminar on Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture through Resource Management and Conservation July 7-9, 2017, Mahatma Gandhi House, Göttingen, Germany.
What Will Shape Future Livestock Industry and Grain Market: 2017/2025/2050? Livestock Industry in the Field of Tension of National, Regional and Global Developments: 2017/2025/2050?
Plenary lectures presented at Bayer Animal Health Customer Meetings:
  • Aurora company, HQ, March 28, 2017, Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • JBS company, HQ, March 29, 2017, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • brf company, HQ, March 30, 2017, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
Zukunft der deutschen Landwirtschaft im Spannungsfeld nationaler, regionaler und globaler Entwicklungen
Plenarvortrag auf der Bezirksversammlung der Vereinigten Hagelversicherung VV aG, Bezirksdirektion Stuttgart in der Federseeklinik am 06. Dezember 2016 in Bad Buchau.

Handout ist auf Anfrage verfügbar.
Strategic Essentials to Be Business Partner of a Sustainable Food Value Chain
Paper was presented during the „Managerfortbildungsprogramm zur Förderung der Außenwirtschafts-beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Russland des BMWi“, October 21, 2016, BayKomm Communication Center, Leverkusen, Germany.
Presentation is available on request.

Global Epidemics, Pandemics, Terrorism: Risk Assessment and European Responses
The paper "Global Epidemics, Pandemics, Terrorism: Risk Assessment and European Responses" analyses from a European point of view global risk dimensions, risk reservoirs, risk assessment, risk communication, risk responses and risk recommendations in the context of future epidemics and pandemics resulting from biohazards. Several recommendations are made for preventing, assessing and responding to epidemics, pandemics and terrorism more effectively and efficiently in real time in order to save human lives.
Global Epidemics, Pandemics: European Risk Assessment and Capacity to Control
Paper was presented during the 6th RINSA-KAS Joint International Conference, “Transnational Risk Assessment and Responses: Europe & Korea”, May 16th, 2016, Chosun Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
Presentation is available on request.

Tüte – Teller – Taille- Tagesmeldungen – Ernährung ungeschminkt!
Plenarvortrag auf dem Kreislandfrauentag der Landfrauenvereine im Landkreis Hildesheim im Relexa Hotel am 8. April 2016 in Bad Salzdetfurth
 „Zwischen Information und Provokation“, Tarek Abu Ajamieh, Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung

Handout ist auf Anfrage verfügbar.

Bemerkenswerte bzw. unglaublich gute Gedanken …
im Grußwort von Dietmar Dertwinkel, Vorstand der Volksbank Greven eG anlässlich der Einladung „AgrarKultur“ am 15.01.2016 im Ballenlager in Greven.

Impressionen von der EXPO 2015 in Mailand, Italien, 7/2015
Besonders beeindruckend waren die Pavillions von: Frankreich, Russland, Großbritannien, China, Japan, Italien, Deutschland, Korea, Azerbaijan, Brasilien und Qatar. Besonders auffallend: Überall viele Objekte aus Plastikmaterialien Veröffentlichung
Globale, regionale und nationale Getreide- und Ölsaatenmärkte: Herausforderungen 2015/2025 und ein Ausblick auf die bevorstehende Erntesituation
Actual and Innovative Trends in Crop Protection: 2015 / 2025 / 2035
Zukunftsperspektiven der Landwirtschaft Im Spannungsfeld politischer, regionaler und globaler Entwicklungen
Vision: Do more with less, better and in time! Sustainable Value Creation in Agriculture by Implementing Digital Technologies
2015: Implementation of digital technologies in agriculture will improve the prospects of being able to use our limited natural resources to the best. By pressing the IGREEN ®evolution forward in agriculture through implementation of digital systems such as smartphones, apps, global positioning systems (GPSs), sensors, robotics, drones, unmanned autonomous vehicles (ULVs), and others, the changing world will be able to address “Factor Fn (“FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF”): Future Farming, Food, Feed, Fitness, Fuel, Fiber, Flowers, Freshwater, Fishery, Forestry, Flora, Fauna, Fun, Fortune, Freedom”, which are milestones on a roadmap for tackling the challenges of the 21st Century. Veröffentlichung
The DNA-®evolution of Agriculture
Publikation in "Production and Processing of Food Crops for Value Addition: Technology and Genetic Options." Eds: R.K. Behl, A.P. Singh, A.B. Lal , and G. Haesaert, Agrobios (International) Publishers, 2015, pp 1-6 , Book pages 1-347, ISBN: 978-93-81191-05-7
“Nur der Boden erkennt die Güte der Saat“ (Saint-Exupéry, A., 1939) bzw. “Nur die Saat erkennt die Güte des Bodens“ (Kern, M., 2002)
Exhibition “Colours of the Earth”, Verena Reinmann, UNCCD, Bonn, Day to Combat Desertification, June 17 – July 31, 2014
Sand und Erde sind nicht „Dreck“ oder „schmutzig“, sondern wunderschön, besonders wertvoll und letztlich unsere Lebensgrundlage.
Erde ist wertvoller als Gold, aber die meisten Menschen wissen das nicht!“ (Kern, M., 2008)
Die Künstlerin Verena Reinmann hat Sand und Erde aus 123 Ländern in ungewöhnliche, farbenprächtige und faszinierendeKunstwerke verwandelt und diese bei der UNCCD in Bonn zur Ausstellung gebracht. www.verena-reinmann.de und www.unccd.de
Ich bin begeistert, dass Boden, ohne den es kein Leben geben kann, endlich in den Mittelpunkt gerückt wird“ (Prof. Richard Sikora, emeritierter Professorder Universität in Bonn).
Aktuelle Herausforderung: Möglicherweise gibt es jemanden auf der Erde, der künstlerisch das Zusammenwirken von: “Seeds and Soil of the Earth“ kreativ umsetzen kann –
Ideen sind herzlich willkommen!                                                                 
Innovative Agricultural Technologies Are Keys to Feed the World: 2015/2025/2070
Trend study is available on request.
Aquaculture: 2015-2025 / 2015-2050
Vision paper is describing general global trends, economic development, urbanization, new middle class, eating habits as well as global/national fish demand and supply; actual trends in selected countries in Asia such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, in Europe, Norway, Scotland; impact of actual and future diseases; actual challenges/problems “Bifurcation of the Supply Chain”: Low/High Production Costs vs. High/Low Fish Price (Salmon, Shrimp, Tilapia, Pangasius); an Aquaculture-Outlook: 2015 – 2025/2050.
Vision paper “Aquaculture” (200 charts) is available on request.
Beef: 2015-2025 / 2015-2050
Vision paper is describing general global trends, economic development, urbanization, eating habits as well as global/national beef demand and supply; actual trends in selected countries such as U.S., Europe, India, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, China, Russia, Indonesia, South-Africa, Mexico, Korea, Vietnam; actual challenges/problems “Wild Carts”; a Beef-Outlook: 2015 – 2025/2050.
Vision paper “Beef” (200 charts) is available on request.
Dairy: 2015-2025 / 2015-2050
Vision paper is describing general global trends, economic development, urbanization, new consumers, eating habits,as well as global/national milk demand and supply; costs of milk production; actual trends in selected countries such as Europe, Russia, New Zealand, Indonesia, U.S., Canada, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, China, India, Thailand, Myanmar; actual challenges/problems “Crossing Over”: Low/High Production Costs vs. High/Low Dairy Prices; a Dairy-Outlook: 2015 – 2025/2050.
Vision paper “Dairy” (200 charts) is available on request.
Fossil-Fuel-Free Farming in 2025 – 2050
Vision paper is running.
Future of Agriculture: Opportunities and Risks for Crop Production and Inerts Industry
Trend study is available on request.
Wo steht die Landwirtschaft und der Milchmarkt nach 2015?
„Sein oder nicht Sein“ - Mit Courage und Können in eine Landwirtschaft mit Zukunft!
University for Peace, Costa Rica
International Evaluation for SINAES (National Higher Education System) of Master’s Programs at University of PEACE, Costa Rica, September 2013 Veröffentlichung
Excursion on Sugar Production in Maui, Hawaii, USA
A short description of sugar production in Maui, Hawaii is given documenting the history, development and perspectives of sugar cane production (36,000 acres) on the island (June 03-06, 2014).

Food, Feed, Fibre, Fuel and Industrial Products of the Future
Plants and plant crops have always been, and will continue to be, of vital importance for humankind. They are an essential source of food, feed, raw materials, energy and plesaure. Veröffentlichung
An Essential Overview of Climate Change and Crop Protection / Crop Production
Key note lecture: "An Essential Overview of Climate Change and Crop Protection / Crop Production", Informa Life Sciences, 3rd Annual Conference Research and Development for Crop Protection, Crowne Plaza, 28-29 February 2012, Berlin, Deutschland.
What Will Drive the Swine Industry in the Forthcoming Decades?
Key note lecture: “What Will Drive the Swine Industry in the Forthcoming Decades?“ during the 20th International Pig Veterinary Congress, 2nd Bayer Pig Symposium 2008, June 24th, 2008, Southern Sun North Beach Hotel, Durban, South-Africa.
Feeding the World ... or/and Saving the Planet!?
Key note lecture: "Feeding the World ... or/and Saving the Planet!?" Environmental Costs of Pig Production: Change the Paradigm?" during the 22nd InternationalPig Veterinary Congress: "Happy Pigs - Healthy People", IPVS, 14th International Bayer Pig Symposium 2012, June 11th, 2012, ICC, Jeju, Korea.
Future of Agriculture - Global Trends 2025
Lecture & Seminar titeled "Future of Agriculture - Global Trends 2025" during ZEFc Disciplinary Course "Ecology, Water Use and Development", January 2014, Center of Development Resaerch, University of Bonn, Germany.
Zukunftsperspektiven der Landwirtschaft im Spannungsfeld politischer, regionaler und globaler Entwicklungen
Agricultural Interventions for Food, Environment and Health in Order to Serve Societies
Key note lecture: "Agricultural Interventions for Food, Environment and Health in Order to Serve Societies", IFSDAA 2nd International Seminar on Cutting-Edge Science & Technologies towards Food, Environment and Health, Focus: Civil Society 2.-4. September 2013, Gerhard-Mercker-Begegnungszentrum, Göttingen, Germany.
Weltweiter Hoffnungsträger Landwirtschaft? Was kann sie wirklich leisten
Plenarvortrag: "Weltweiter Hoffnungsträger Landwirtschaft? - Was kann sie wirklich leisten? Was gilt es zu tun?", Vereinigte Hagelversicherung VVaG: Bezirksversammlung 2013 Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Bad Langensalza 12. Dezember 2013, Bad Langensalza, Deutschland.
Perspektiven der Landwirtschaft im Spannungsfeld der 10 Ts
Plenarvortrag: "Perspektiven der Landwirtschaft im Spannungsfeld der 10 T: Teller, Trog, Tierfutter, Tank,Tonne, Taille, Tarock, Tagesmeldungen, Tagespolitik - 2013/2025 2050", Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen und Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold: Landwirte-Forum 2013 18. November 2013, Detmold, Deutschland.